Production Meeting Guidelines
Tips on how to run a Production Meeting including what should be discussed, who should be there, and forms for minutes and to-do lists.
Lots of production management and AD scheduling software are out there (free and otherwise), often integrated with screeningwriting software (so your one-lines are generated semi-automatically) — here’s a couple of popular ones:
MOVIE MAGIC: for many years the industry standard — from Write Brothers
CELTX: a newer one that includes lotsa add-on apps for multi-media, storyboarding, etc.
There are THOUSANDS of free forms on line, covering just about EVERYTHING you could imagine: deal memos, budgets, cost reports, contracts… here’s a good site that has a good selection of free ones (588 of ’em):
Pre-Production Guide for Production Managers
Very thorough guide to Pre-Production including meetings, budgets, insurance, casting, crewing, locations, scheduling, grants, and equipment.
Prep and Wrap Sched Template 2011
Combines check-list from above with sched – more concise – recommended
Prep & Wrap Sched Template 2011.xls
Prod Sched Daily Template
Another option for above
Prod Sched Daily Template 2011.docx
Crew List 2011 Template
Day out of Days (DooD) Crew
Tracks who is working on which day – important for student productions to track your crew dailies inn particular
Getting Donations for your Film
A sample template and advice on getting food, locations, and other materials donated by local businesses.
Student Film Donation Flyer.doc
Crew 2011 Deal Memo 1
An editable document for agreements between you and contractors or crew members.
Crew Deal memo 2011 Template.doc
Crew Deal Memo 2
An editable document for agreements between you and contractors or crew members.
Prep Schedule Template
An editable template with instructions for creating an effective Prep Schedule for your production.
Production Forms Folder
This zip folder contains all the contracts and forms you will need for cast, crew, locations, rights, writer’s deals, etc. for every aspect of your production. Also contains glossaries of film and theatrical terminology.
Ontario Tax Credit Folder
This zip folder contains everything you need to apply for the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit including Guidelines, Authorization Forms, and Eligible Labour Calculator.
Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit Information
This PDF document outlines the OFTTC program, who is eligible, the amount of tax credit, and contact information.
Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit INFO.pdf
Ontario Media Development Centre Information
This PDF outlines the purpose and value of the OMDC location database for students and productions in Ontario.
Ontario Media Development Centre.pdf
Budget Template
Standard film budget template.
Telefilm Budget Template
Telefilm Canada’s film budget template with top-sheets and summaries.
Unionville Insurance Outline
Unionville Insurance Receipt